Sushi Verde

Google UX: Bespoke inventory management app
Project Duration
March - June 2023
The Product
Sushi Verde is a restaurant and a custom ingredients inventory app. The app is designed to maximize accessibility, efficiency, and accuracy for back of house staff when taking inventory.
My Role
UX designer, researcher 
User research, conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, lo-fi and hi-fi prototyping, conducting usability testing, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs

Project Overview

The Problem
Manually counting inventory often leads to inaccuracies and food waste.

Understanding the User

Persona 2

Persona 1: Chester

Chester is a sous chef who is in charge of inventory management. He is currently counting inventory manually and needs a system that is less susceptible to human error.

Persona 2: Lisa

Lisa is a kitchen intern who needs a quick way to count inventory so she can devote more time to cooking.

Persona 1

Low-fi Prototyping

The main flow enables users to create a count report.
Sushi Verde's lo-fi prototype

Starting the Designs

Sushi Verde: Lo-fi Homepage

Study type:
Unmoderated usability study

Document Icon
Participants Icon

5 participants

USA, remote

Location Icon
Clock Icon

15-30 minutes

Usability Study Parameters

Usability Study Findings

Printing and Saving

Users wanted options for saving and printing

Different Ways to Count

Users wanted a faster way to make larger additions/deductions to ingredient counts


Users wanted to adjust the size of icons and labels when viewing ingredients


I developed variations for each screen in the main flow to determine the best approach for ensuring accessibility across literacy and language backgrounds.

Sushi Verde: Paper Wireframes 2Sushi Verde: Paper Wireframes 1

Refining the Designs

Mockups: Layout

I initially created rows of carousels to display ingredients. I added individual pages for each ingredient category to provide an alternate view that minimizes clutter and enlarges the icons.

Sushi Verde: Hi-fi Count with Numerical Keypad Page

After usability study

Sushi Verde: Hi-fi Count Page

Before usability study

Sushi Verde: Hi-fi Count PageHi-fi Prototype OverviewSushi Verde: Hi-fi Report Page


Sushi Verde: Hi-fi Ingredients PageSushi Verde: Hi-fi Homepage
Sushi Verde: Hi-fi Ingredients Category Page

After usability study

Before usability study

Sushi Verde: Hi-fi Ingredients Page

Mockups: Counting

+ or - buttons can be used to manually increase/decrease counts while the numerical keypad allows users to automatically input changes to inventory.

High-fidelity Prototype

The high-fidelity prototype incorporates feedback from the usability study and adds the following accessibility considerations:

Sushi Verde's hi-fi prototype


The use of large ingredient icons with labels appeals to read/write and visual learners. This is also the reason why all buttons have an accompanying icon

Focal Points

The app is streamlined to minimize visual clutter while the user is counting ingredients

WCAG Standards

All of the colors used in the app passed WCAG contrast standards. Contrast and legibility were a top priority for critical pages like the report screen

Moving Forward

Next Steps

Conduct another usability study to ensure that the newest features solved the problems from the last study

Conduct more user research to identify gaps in the design

What I Learned

Early digital wireframes reflect my attempts to design a comprehensive restaurant management app. After usability testing, I realized that having additional features prevented me from addressing the pain points I identified in my research. Keeping it simple made the app more effective.